SolveigMM Video Splitter 3.2.1207.3 Final full serial number

SolveigMM Video Splitter adalah editor video yang luar biasa untuk beroperasi dengan pra-kompresi AVC/H264, MP4, MOV, AVCHD, MPEG-2, MPEG-1, MKV, AVI, WMV, MP3, file WMA. Editor adalah lossless dan cepat, menghilangkan bagian yang tidak diinginkan dari video mulus hanya dengan beberapa klik mouse - memotong dan bergabung video dan audio stream sempurna. Antarmuka user-friendly yang menarik dan intuitif sangat mudah digunakan.
Berdasarkan Video Editing SolveigMM SDK, audio kami - editor video memberikan kualitas luar biasa dan kecepatan tanpa menggunakan encoding / decoding proses.

Dalam versi 3 kami memperkenalkan AVC / pengeditan bingkai H264 akurat. SolveigMM teknologi canggih terus 99% data dan hanya transcodes beberapa frame di awal dan akhir segmen video, sehingga file juga diproses cepat dan lossless. Modus edit cerdas mencakup semua format yang didukung.
The program can be installed on the portable storage device. 


- Supports MPEG-2 files - (.mpg, .mpeg, .vob, .ts ) 
• MPEG-2 Program Stream
• MPEG-2 Transport Stream
• MPEG-2 Video Elementary Stream
• DVD VOB files

- Supports AVI files - (.avi ) 
• DV AVI type 1, 2; OpenDML
• Any video content. DivX; XviD; 3ivX, etc.
• Any audio content. MPEG-1,2 Layer I, II, III; AC3; OGG, etc.
• VBR MPEG audio. Keeps the synchronization
• Large AVI files. More than 2 and 4 GB
• AVI to ASF remultiplexing

- Supports Windows Media files - (.asf, .wma, .wmv, .wm) 
• Any video content. WMV 1,2,3; MSS2; MPEG-4 AVC, etc.
• Any audio content. WMAudio V 2,7,8; MPEG-1,2 Layer I, II, III; AC3, etc.
• Video repair. Indexing damaged or unindexed files

- Supports MPEG Audio files ( .mp1, .mp2, .mp3, .mpa) 
• MPEG-1 Layer I, II, III 
• MPEG-2 Layer I, II, III 

- K frame/GOP accuracy for AVI, WMV, ASF
- Frame accuracy for MPEG-2
- What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) preview. Advanced K frame navigation
- Cut commercials - cutting off several movie portions at one time is allowed. You can get rid of all ads in your movie in a couple of simple steps
- Supports batch files (.xtl). You can process trimming for all media files you need in one run
- Supports file by file joining (AVI, WMA/WMV/ASF, MP3 and MPEG-1 video)
Supported languages: English (), German (), French (), Italian (), Japanese (), Chinese (), Russian ()



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